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Level 3 General

Welcome to New Zealand Certificate in English Language Level 3 General (NZCEL Level 3 General)

The New Zealand Certificate in English Language Level 3 General is designed to give students greater independence and fluency for communicating in familiar situations and some unfamiliar ones. By the end of the course students will be able to participate more confidently in conversations, understand spoken language and written language in greater detail and write longer texts on topics they have less familiarity with. This programme is worth 60 credits and involves a total of 600 hours class time and self-study.

Course Outcomes:

  • Present organised, developed speeches
  • Communicate with more confidence in conversations on familiar topics
  • Understand the main points and identify specific information in spoken language
  • Understand the main points and identify specific information in conversations
  • Read and understand connections in written texts on familiar topics
  • Read and understand the main and supporting points in texts on familiar topics and how they relate to the overall purpose of the text
  • Write coherent and appropriate essays
  • Write coherent texts for practical purposes.


  • Our Multicultural World
  • Occupations and Hobbies
  • Past events
  • Problems and Solutions
  • Global Warming and the Future
  • The important things
  • Passions and Trends
  • Unique Experiences
  • Human Relations
  • Technology and Development
  • Probability
  • What she said

Improve Your English

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